In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?

Insecure Writers Want to Know

IWSG offers so much to fellow writers already. A monthly space for us to share the anxiety of being a creative writer. Opportunities to become published in a themed anthology. We share our experiences and insight we’ve learned on this scary road to publication. And we share our successes as well as our [assumed] failures with each other. I say assumed failures, because we usually learn something from them. Which is a good thing.

Insecure Writers Group logo

I admit that I need more time in the day to check out all the informative posts at IWSG. I still don’t understand how all you fellow writers accomplish social media, platform building, newsletters, and creative writing each day. I try scheduling time for social media each week, and then the time escapes me as, usually, I’m dealing with new demands upon my time. The only schedule I’ve been able to keep sacred are my newsletter and IWSG and Camping blog posts each month.

What other kind of offering or service could IWSG offer its members? The only thing I can think of would be some online events. How about some zoom meetings about various topics for writers with a question-and-answer period or discussion? Or informative podcasts in marketing or platform building? How do you, personally, sell your books? Do you hire help? What businesses or services do you find genuinely helpful for marketing your books or building your platform?

These online events can have a host or two like our monthly blog posts. We could finally “see” and talk to each other in real time. I realize we have a worldwide audience following here at IWSG, so we would need, probably, a few different group meetings. A writer could offer some insight into his or her writing journey, and we could discuss it and see what we could learn together. No pressure. No right or wrong. Only insight that works for a certain writer. These zoom meetings do not need to be long. Under an hour sounds good. They don’t need to be recorded, unless someone knows how to do that. Then we could list them at the IWSG’s main blog/website. I could help with the zoom meetings, but I have no podcast capabilities at this time.

**Please share any books you found helpful in marketing or links for service/businesses or blog posts you’ve found helpful in marketing your books or building your author platform. I’m eager for your insight and suggestions.**

I’ve been invited to present a non-fiction workshop at the Haaf Family Arts Foundation’s one-day Writers’ Conference in the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church located at 158 Warren Street in Beverly, NJ, 08010. For more information, go to the Haaf Family Arts Foundation’s website.

Admission is $20, but lunch is included. It’s on Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

I have the conference schedule on my website under the Workshop Events tab.

Thanks for stopping by my little spot on the web. Please come again! And please sign up for my newsletter. It is greatly appreciated.

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I’d like to thank our co-hosts for June: Liza at Middle Passages, Shannon Lawrence, Melissa Maygrove, and Olga Godim! Please visit them if you can.

Our group posts on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE

14 thoughts on “In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?”

  1. An online meeting sounds interesting once in a while. I don’t have a book on marketing to recommend, but I think paying a book reviewer who organizes blog tours is a good investment and would bring your book to new potential readers. You’d have to find some that work with authors writing what you do. Good luck at the conference.

    • Thank you so much, Natalie, for sharing this insight here at Adventures in Writing. I’ll look into book reviewers who work with memoir and can help me with blog tours. Thanks for your good wishes. Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. Hi, Victoria! I think the zoom meetings are a cool idea. I also think that Alex raises a valid point. I think we need to do more as members. I’m thinking about what I can do. I’m not very good with technology. I have challenged myself to visit as many people as I can on IWSG Day, because that is something I can certainly do! Have a great day!

    • Unfortunately, I’m not too good with technology either, Louise. And I try to help co-hosting when I can. I, also, try to visit as many people as I can from our IWSG list.

      All best to you, Louise. Have a beautiful day!

    • See, that’s a great idea, Melissa. The only problem for me is my difficulty with technology. I’ll have to check out Craig’s videos to see what he talks about. Thanks for the tip. Have a great weekend!

  3. Congratulations on your nonfiction presentation! I like the idea of doing tips in short bits. I don’t have a quick off-the-hand book to share with you, but I would love to maybe have that kind of question – marketing aids – a part of our monthly blog hop – no wrong ideas, just writers helping writers.

    • Thank you, Tyrean. I’m excited about the event.

      Great idea about having one of our monthly questions be about marketing aids. Sharing our writing experiences is what makes this group so wonderful. Have a great day!

    • This is true, Olga. I could help out, but we need to see how popular they become.

      Thanks for visiting Adventures in Writing. Have a beautiful week!


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