Insecure Writer’s Support Group

How do you deal with distractions when you are writing? Do they derail you? The Business of Being a Writer

Watching the Solar Eclipse with my husband in April 2024

Insecure Writers Want to Know I’m pleased to be a co-host for IWSG this month. Thank you, Alex! The business of being a writer. What doesn’t distract me? Family. Gardening. …

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What turns you off when visiting an Author’s Website or Blog? Lack of information? A drone of negativity? Little mention of author’s books? Constant mention of books?

A Wintry Scene

Insecure Writers Want to Know Hello and welcome, everyone, to my website! I’m so glad you are here. And I’m pleased to be one of the co-hosts for February for …

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The AI Writing Debate: Will It Assist or Replace Writers?

Insecure Writers Want to Know AI. I wish I understood it better. I believe AI is a program. And there are different programs. AI follows your prompts, parameters, or questions. …

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